Tukad Barong di Bali
Tukad Barong adalah Sungai dengan air yang jernih dan jeram yang menantang untuk arung jeram
Terletak di Kabupaten Bangli provinsi Bali, Tukad Barong mudah diakses dengan berbagai moda transportasi.
Alamat lengkapnya adalah H99R+C9J Tukad Barong, Banjar umbalan, Yangapi, Kec. Tembuku, Kabupaten Bangli, Bali 80671, Indonesia.
Banyak orang yang jatuh cinta dengan Tukad Barong. Tak heran, tempat ini memiliki rating tinggi, yaitu 4.3 dari 5 bintang. Beragam ulasan positif dari para pengunjung menjadi bukti nyata bahwa Tukad Barong adalah tempat wisata yang tak boleh dilewatkan.
Bahkan seorang wisatawan yang telah mengunjungi Tukad Barong, mengatakan bahwa:
Natural cave with fresh water fall. A very good hiking place.
Sebelum berkunjung, pastikan kamu menyesuaikan waktumu dengan jam operasional Tukad Barong. Saat ini, tempat wisata ini buka pada 06.30-18.00. Kamu tak perlu khawatir akan kehabisan waktu ataupun antrian panjang, karena Tukad Barong siap menyambutmu dengan hangat.
Detail Lokasi
H99R+C9J Tukad Barong, Banjar umbalan, Yangapi, Kec. Tembuku, Kabupaten Bangli, Bali 80671, Indonesia
Yangapi, Kecamatan Tembuku
Kabupaten Bangli
Kode Pos
Titik Koordinat
Lokasi Digital

Amazing but a bit hard to find. You'll have the place to yourself though. Come enjoy this magical place before it too becomes commercialized and filled with influencers, which will seemingly be soon as they are in the process of building infrastructure. Directions: - Park at the place where google maps takes you. - Walk down the first set of stairs. When they're done, turn right. Follow the canal. - Walk down more stairs, then follow the path. - When you hit a fork in the road, take the path on the left. - Walk down more stairs, and continue to follow the canal. - Keep following the trail, then where the zip-line ends, turn right. - Walk past the building being built, and you'll find the waterfalls. Be sure to check out the one in the cave (It's on the left as you face the human-made waterfall. It's definitely the best one. Also be sure to check out all 3 waterfalls, as the third one has a cool bridge made out of the roots of a tree.) Watch out for the leeches, I had a few on me. Also watch out for the locals trying to be your guide, they will ask for money.
This is one of the most special and awe-inspiring hidden gems in Bali and I hope it remains as under-the-radar as it has for a long time! The thousands year old tree spanning the 25m drop canyon forming a natural bridge over the gap is incredible. The walk down is partially shaded and partially along subak and beside paddys and comprises a mix of cement stairs (of course all the rises are different heights, but that is standard here ), sometimes slippery, hard packed earth trail and mushy paddy field bunds. The total distance of the trail is between 500m-1km but takes 15min because of the terrain. Please respect this beautiful natural space and those who care for it.
Tukad Barong is a small hidden place on Bali There is no Entry Fee. After a small walk of 10 Minutes you reach a beautiful silent place with a powerful waterfall in a cave. No tourist and sometimes you meet a local who is processing a ceremony. Thanks for this amazing experience of our world bicycle tour.