Obyek Wisata Cibulan, Maniskidul, Kec. Jalaksana, Kabupaten Kuningan, Jawa Barat 45554, Indonesia
Tujuan Wisata
(10441 Ulasan)

Obyek Wisata Cibulan di Jawa Barat

Obyek Wisata Cibulan adalah Pusat akuatik energik yang menawarkan kolam renang dengan ikan besar, seluncuran air & air mancur.

Terletak di Kabupaten Kuningan provinsi Jawa Barat, Obyek Wisata Cibulan mudah diakses dengan berbagai moda transportasi.

Alamat lengkapnya adalah Obyek Wisata Cibulan, Maniskidul, Kec. Jalaksana, Kabupaten Kuningan, Jawa Barat 45554, Indonesia.

Banyak orang yang jatuh cinta dengan Obyek Wisata Cibulan. Tak heran, tempat ini memiliki rating tinggi, yaitu 4.2 dari 5 bintang. Beragam ulasan positif dari para pengunjung menjadi bukti nyata bahwa Obyek Wisata Cibulan adalah tempat wisata yang tak boleh dilewatkan.

Bahkan seorang wisatawan yang telah mengunjungi Obyek Wisata Cibulan, mengatakan bahwa:

Sebelum berkunjung, pastikan kamu menyesuaikan waktumu dengan jam operasional Obyek Wisata Cibulan. Saat ini, tempat wisata ini buka pada 08.00-18.00. Kamu tak perlu khawatir akan kehabisan waktu ataupun antrian panjang, karena Obyek Wisata Cibulan siap menyambutmu dengan hangat.

Detail Lokasi


Obyek Wisata Cibulan, Maniskidul, Kec. Jalaksana, Kabupaten Kuningan, Jawa Barat 45554, Indonesia


Maniskidul, Kecamatan Jalaksana


Kabupaten Kuningan


Jawa Barat

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Titik Koordinat


Lokasi Digital

3FQP+J9 Maniskidul, Kabupaten Kuningan, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

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Wisata di Jawa Barat
Obyek Wisata Cibulan, Maniskidul, Kec. Jalaksana, Kabupaten Kuningan, Jawa Barat 45554, Indonesia



Obyek Wisata Cibulan: Pemandian Ikan Dewa Situs Sumur Tujuh Flyingfox Ember Tumpah Hutan Lindung Situs Batu Gajah, Lesehan Kios Aneka Cindera mataTiket Masuk: Dewasa 22.000,-/orang termasuk Asuransi


Objek wisata air yang cukup baik, tiketnya tidak terlalu mahal, airnya cukup jernih, tapi memang bebatuan di dasar kolam licindi harus hati2, dan disarankan harus bisa berenang ya guys.


CIBULAN TOURISM OBJECTSCibulan is the name of the oldest tourist attraction in Kuningan, West Java, Indonesia, currently one of the favorite holiday spots which was inaugurated on August 27 1939 by the Regent of Kuningan at that time, namely R.A.A. Mohamand Achmad. Inside this tourist attraction there are two large rectangular pools. The first pool measures 35x15 square meters with a depth of around 2 meters. Meanwhile, the second pool measures 45x15 square meters which is divided into two parts. The first part is 60 centimeters deep and the second part is 120 centimeters deep.According to the story that has developed among the Maniskidul Village Community and the Kuningan community in general, it is said that the god fish in the Cibulan pond were once soldiers who were disobedient or disloyal during the reign of King Siliwangi. Long story short, the dissident soldiers were then cursed by Prabu Siliwangi so that they became fish.It is said that these divine fish have not decreased or increased in number from the past until now. Regardless of whether the legend is true or not, to this day no one dares to take this fish because there is a belief that anyone who dares to disturb these fish will suffer misfortune.Apart from the pool with its tame divine fish, in the west corner of this bath there are also seven sacred springs called Seven Wells. These seven springs are in the form of small pools, each of which has its own name, namely: Well of Glory, Well of Glory, Well of Granting, Well of Cirancana, Well of Cisadane, Well of Ease, and Well of Safety. Among the seven wells, it is said that there is one well that contains Golden Crabs, namely the Cirancana Well.ADDRESS LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY OF THE CIBULAN KUNINGAN TOURISM OBJECTCibulan swimming Pool is located in Manis Kidul Village, Jalaksana District, Kuningan Regency, West Java - Indonesia. The distance between Cibulan - Kuningan City is around 7 km, while the city distance from Cirebon - Cibulan is around 28 kmAccess to Cibulan tourist attractions using public transportation can be reached by two routes, namely via Kuningan and Cirebon because it is a tourist attraction This is on the Kuningan-Cirebon road.The first route is via Kuningan Terminal, you can use city transportation heading to Cirendang - Cimulus Terminal, then stop on the road to the Cibulan location. The second route can be via Cirebon with public transportation to the location.

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