J7X8+MXH Kebun Raya Gianyar, Banjar Pilan, Kerta, Kec. Payangan, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali 80572, Indonesia

9 Tempat Wisata Populer yang Bagus di Gianyar

Rindu akan petualangan yang menggetarkan hati? Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk menjelajahi keindahan alam Indonesia yang luar biasa! Dari puncak gunung hingga dasar laut, simak 9 Tempat Wisata Populer yang Bagus di Gianyar!

Wisata di Bali
Kebun Raya
(197 Ulasan)

Kebun Raya Gianyar

Kebun raya yang memiliki koleksi tanaman dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia

Kabupaten Gianyar


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One of the few places to see intact native forest (ie not secondary agroforest). Many trees identified with species information, but no common names. Nicely paved trail, maybe 1km. Abandoned at time of visit.

Wisata di Bali
Tujuan Wisata
(492 Ulasan)

Elephant Cave (Goa Gajah)

tujuan wisata

Kabupaten Gianyar


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Skip it unless you have nothing else to do. Unfortunately, this was the least maintained of all the temples/places we have been in Bali. Even the leaves are not swept. We did not find it intriguing but who knows, you might find it interesting. The place has too many peddlers. Avoid all of them and go straight to the ticket counter. You will need to cover up if you are wearing a short dress. The sarong to do so is provided free of cost. The peddlers will try to sell you this. Ignore them.

Wisata di Bali
Tujuan Wisata
(1000 Ulasan)

Taman Sari Waterfall & Natural Pool

Taman Sari Waterfall & Natural Pool is a terraced waterfall with 2 natural pools surrounded by natural green forests. A great place for swimming and instagramable. Entrance tickets IDR 20 000/person for adults IDR 15 000/person for children Facilities : Parking area,toilets,changing rooms,locker,free wifi. ,

Kabupaten Gianyar





Air terjun Taman Sari memiliki area parkir yang sangat luas, lengkap dengan warung-warung. Harga tiket masuknya 20.000 perorang. Akses masuknya berada di seberang area parkir. Jalan menuruni anak tangga sekitar 5-10 menit. Jalannya sudah sangat rapi dan dinaungi rimbun pepohonan jadi tidak terasa melelahkan. Area air terjunnya terdiri 1 air terjun utama dan beberapa air terjun kecil yang jatuh ke kolam utamanya. kedalaman kolam berkisar antara 120-170 cm. Relatif aman untuk berenang. Di tepi kolam juga ada kamar mandi, saung dan tempat penitipan barang. Di area ini ada petugas yang berjaga.

Wisata di Bali
Tujuan Wisata
(1189 Ulasan)

Suwat Waterfall

Suwat waterfall is new destination in Gianyar Regency. Its located 15 km from Ubud area, this destination offers unspoiled of waterfall with friendly locals.

Kabupaten Gianyar


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If you're truly keen on visiting a waterfall, Suwat Waterfall might not be the ideal choice. It's not particularly large, and it seems most visitors come solely for photo opportunities. The entrance fee for adults is 25k, and it's just a short 5-minute walk from the parking area. During my visit, there was some ongoing construction nearby. However, I must say, the surroundings are enchanting and incredibly serene.

Wisata di Bali
Pusat kebudayaan
(1553 Ulasan)

Taman Nusa

Museum terbuka dengan replika rumah adat dari berbagai suku Indonesia, plus seni & kerajinan.

Kabupaten Gianyar


0361 952952



Taman Nusa merupakan taman wisata budaya yang memberikan pengetahuan tentang seni dan budaya dari berbagai suku di Indonesia dalam suasana alam pulau Bali. Di dalam kawasan ini kita merasa seperti berkeliling Indonesia. Terdapat kurang lebih 60 rumah adat tradisional suku Indonesia yang sebagian diantaranya sudah berumur ratusan tahun. Terdapat juga area kerajinan tradisional. Keberadaan Taman Nusa ini sangat baik ditengah modernisasi kehidupan saat ini, karena sebagai sarana pelestarian seni dan budaya bangsa Indonesia.

Wisata di Bali
(1640 Ulasan)

Taman Kota Ciung Wanara Gianyar

tujuan wisata rekreasi di kabupaten gianyar

Kabupaten Gianyar


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Osa, Taman kota ciung wanara gianyar terletak di pusat kota gianyar, sangat luas, tempat bermain anak2, remaja dewasa dan orang tua Ada beberapa wahana untuk anak2 bermain Sudah ada tanda dilarang merokok jd aman untuk anak kecil bermain Matur suksma

Wisata di Bali
Area Pengamatan Burung
(11597 Ulasan)

Bali Bird Park

Taman hewan dengan burung eksotis, pemberian makan & pertunjukan, dengan reptil, tanaman lokal & kafe.

Kabupaten Gianyar


0361 299352



One of the most popular tourist attractions in Bali is the Bali bird park or better known as the Bali Bird Park, which from the name alone shows that you can see a large collection of birds in it. This bird park tourist attraction has been established since October 1995, which means that it is now 24 years old. Uniquely, this bird park is one of the largest in the world and has a very complete collection, from local birds to birds from abroad. The division of places in the Bali bird park is based on origin. You can enjoy unique facilities where each placement of the collected birds will be designed to resemble the natural habitat from which they come. One of the most interesting things is the starling bird, which is a rare and iconic bird from Bali. Apart from that, you can also meet various other animals such as snakes, lizards, Komodo dragons and iguanas.

Wisata di Bali
(21832 Ulasan)

Pura Tirta Empul

Pura umat Hindu Bali dengan area mandi yang berisi air suci untuk ritual penyucian.

Kabupaten Gianyar


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Kunjungi website Pura Tirta Empul di Google Maps


This place is probably more suited to people who are spiritually inclined. Nice temple but a lot of areas not open to the public. I didn't do the cleansing but it didn't look like a long wait to do so even though it was a Saturday afternoon. The restaurant looked like reasonable prices although nobody was eating. My main gripe about the place is that you are forced to exit through a long market section of very aggressive sellers. The money exchange shop was also closed.

Wisata di Bali
Cagar Alam
(46382 Ulasan)

Mandala Suci Wenara Wana

Kompleks kuil Hindu di hutan yang terkenal sebagai habitat kera ekor panjang.

Kabupaten Gianyar


0361 971304



We spent a few hours here in the afternoon and it was stunning! As the title depicts, it is a forest setting with free roaming monkeys! It's is incredible and I am so glad we went! Admission is really reasonable, and the money assists the upkeep and running of the reserve. The monkeys are adorable and cheeky. They aren't phased by the number of people around but give them their space also. However if you have food or drink, they will come and assume it is for them. Best leave those snacks at home or in a bag. There are also many sacred sites around the lot, many of them containing temple scriptures which are stunning, but off limits to those who are not there for prayer. If you are in the area, be sure to stop in!

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