1 Area Pengamatan Burung yang Jarang Dikunjungi di Indonesia
Mau lepas dari rutinitas yang monoton? Rindu akan petualangan baru yang menggairahkan? Indonesia punya keindahan alam tersembunyi yang menunggu untuk dieksplorasi. Yuk, simak 1 Area Pengamatan Burung yang Jarang Dikunjungi di Indonesia!

Bali Bird Park
Taman hewan dengan burung eksotis, pemberian makan & pertunjukan, dengan reptil, tanaman lokal & kafe.
Kabupaten Gianyar
0361 299352
One of the most popular tourist attractions in Bali is the Bali bird park or better known as the Bali Bird Park, which from the name alone shows that you can see a large collection of birds in it. This bird park tourist attraction has been established since October 1995, which means that it is now 24 years old. Uniquely, this bird park is one of the largest in the world and has a very complete collection, from local birds to birds from abroad. The division of places in the Bali bird park is based on origin. You can enjoy unique facilities where each placement of the collected birds will be designed to resemble the natural habitat from which they come. One of the most interesting things is the starling bird, which is a rare and iconic bird from Bali. Apart from that, you can also meet various other animals such as snakes, lizards, Komodo dragons and iguanas.