Bukit Barede di Jawa Tengah
Bukit Barede adalah Tempat observasi dari kayu ini menawarkan pemandangan pedesaan di sekitar yang indah.
Terletak di Kabupaten Magelang provinsi Jawa Tengah, Bukit Barede mudah diakses dengan berbagai moda transportasi.
Alamat lengkapnya adalah Bukit Barede, Sendaren 2, Karangrejo, Kec. Borobudur, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah 56553, Indonesia.
Banyak orang yang jatuh cinta dengan Bukit Barede. Tak heran, tempat ini memiliki rating tinggi, yaitu 4.3 dari 5 bintang. Beragam ulasan positif dari para pengunjung menjadi bukti nyata bahwa Bukit Barede adalah tempat wisata yang tak boleh dilewatkan.
Bahkan seorang wisatawan yang telah mengunjungi Bukit Barede, mengatakan bahwa:
Nice enough viewpoint to watch the sunrise over the valley and Borobudur Temple. A ticket is 50k IDR per person to get access to the viewpoint. It’s probably not the best viewpoint since Borobudur Temple almost disappears behind the trees around the viewpoint and is barely visible. Steep steps to the top so not accessible for anyone with issues walking.
Sebelum berkunjung, pastikan kamu menyesuaikan waktumu dengan jam operasional Bukit Barede. Saat ini, tempat wisata ini buka pada 04.00-17.00. Kamu tak perlu khawatir akan kehabisan waktu ataupun antrian panjang, karena Bukit Barede siap menyambutmu dengan hangat.
Detail Lokasi
Bukit Barede, Sendaren 2, Karangrejo, Kec. Borobudur, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah 56553, Indonesia
Sendaren 2, Karangrejo, Kecamatan Borobudur
Kabupaten Magelang
Jawa Tengah
Kode Pos
Titik Koordinat
Lokasi Digital
95VP+R6 Karangrejo, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Call Center
Maaf saat ini informasi belum tersedia.
Jam Operasional
Pemandangan bagus, cocok untuk menikmati suasana sunrise, bsa kelihatan candi borobudur jga, butuh pengembangan lebih agar lebih menarik lagi, akses jalan nyaman dan mudah
Cosy lovely place to watch the sun rises between mount merapi and one more hill I think. Great hospitality as you're coming down from the viewing point. There's a music performance and the uncles were really friendly. I love how welcoming they are. Please support!
This is a hill nearby Borobodur temple from where you can view the temple at sunrise. It's not very near to the temple, so the temple looks a bit tiny, but due to the vegetation around it the sunrise looks quite beautiful. The local villagers charge IDR 50k as entry fee. You have to climb up the hill where they have made arrangements to sit or stand, which gives you a view above the treeline. They also arrange water, light snacks, tea/coffee for you. Local villagers play soothing music downhill, which can be heard in morning silence. Once the sun has risen, you can come down. You can spend some time with the musicians and try your hand at playing various instruments. They will also show their local folk dance. Overall a good way to start your tour to Borobodur temple.